(With complete neurological rehabilitation) 
Neuroborreliosis, Neurological Symptoms of Lyme, Testing Nerve Function, Restore cognitive functions, Good Lyme Inflammation markers

60% of Chronic Lyme patients experience Neuroborreliosis. In the video below, Dr. Kyle Warren, DC, CFMP explains the neurological issues and associated nerve damage caused in Chronic Lyme patients:

NEUROBORRELIOSIS -  Lyme in the Brain, Neurological Symptoms of Lyme

Brain rehab is the single most crucial step you can take after an attack of Lyme Disease. Lyme loves the brain and can cause a lot of damage. Even after the antibiotics kill the Lyme bacteria, the damage in the brain still exists. Brain rehab is critical to help restore normal brain function.

Dr. Paul Deglmann, DC, DACNB, FACFN, is an experienced and highly trained Functional Neurologist. Patients from all over The US seek his experience to assess "How well is their brain functioning and ultimately for proper Brain Rehab." Having Dr. Paul's experience is ESSENTIAL if Chronic Lyme and co-infections have affected the brain and its neurological functions!

Functional Medicine specialist and Lyme expert, Dr. Kyle, DC, CFMP, shares this about Dr. Paul - "Being from Minnesota (Which is the #5 state in the country for Lyme and Anaplasma), one of the most common conditions we see our patients plagued with is a tick born illness. Lyme disease is a huge source of unexplained fatigue, pain, facial palsy, and Lyme neurological symptoms. The nerve based symptoms are often the scariest for patients to handle as it seems like at times they are losing control of their body and their senses. For these patients having Dr. Paul as the expert to send patients to assess the damage and then to help restore brain function is invaluable!"

Symptoms associated with Neuroborreliosis (Lyme Disease in brian):

Lyme Facial Nerve Palsy - Lyme can damage any nerve, but when it damages the facial nerve the symptoms are easily observed

Nerve Damage in Lyme Disease is not always visible and more common than we realize
A small group of Lyme Disease patients have made a terrific example for research. Lyme can cause inflammation, which can cause neurological dysfunction, but it can also go directly into a nerve and cause problems. The exact symptoms depend on which nerve the Lyme attacks. If it attacks your vestibular nerve, you will likely have vertigo. If it attacks peripheral nerves, you will likely pain (sharp, stabbing, shooting), burning, numbness and or tingling. This is referred to as peripheral neuropathy.
The most famous neurological symptom from Lyme happens on the rare occassion that the bug attacks the facial nerve. This causes a Facial nerve palsy or “Bell’s Palsy”. This is one of the few neurological symptoms from Lyme that is objective and visible! Many of the other Lyme neurological symptoms are not visible. A patient has to describe the sensation subjectively. With facial nerve palsy, we see can see that one side of the face doesn’t work. The facial nerve innervates the muscles of facial expression. These are the muscle that allow you to raise your eyebrows, smile, close your eyes, purse your lips and drink out of a straw. When these muscles don’t work (due to the facial nerve palsy from Lyme), most patients think they are having a stroke because half of your face begins to droop. After going to the hospital (sometimes more than once) to rule out a stroke, it stops being so scary. So here is what we learn from these patients. We really believe that nearly ALL Lyme disease patients have nerve damage like Facial Nerve Palsy patients, but it’s just not always in a nerve that is easily visible.

5 Essential Factors to Improve Lyme Neurological Symptoms

# 1 Lower inflammation: 

Lyme disease causes inflammation and nerves are extremely sensitive to inflammation. However, the traditional inflammatory markers CRP and ESR are usually negative with Lyme. If we run other inflammatory markers such as ECP, MMP, TGFB1, and MSH, the inflammation can be clearly seen. 

# 2 Remove Neuro Toxins: 

Not only can Lyme directly hurt a nerve and create inflammation while damaging nerves, it also produces toxic byproducts for nerves. Even after the Lyme bug is gone, these toxins can persist. This is why the famous Lyme doctor Richard Horowitz says “Detox, Detox, Detox!”

# 3 Oxygen:  

Nerves need oxygen in order to function properly. Indeed, one of the issues with Lyme and co-infections, like Babesia and Bartonella, is they either affect air flow in the lungs or they alter hemodynamics so the blood does not flow properly to cells that need oxygen.

# 4 Nutrients & Hormones: 

For nerves to improve you want things like BDNF (a brain growth factor), B vitamins, fish oils, and choline. These and other nutrients are either raw materials or co-factors for nerves to work correctly. These nutrients and hormones can be altered by the infections or the inflammation , but fixing them can set up the nervous system to function better.

# 5 Activation: The most important Step where Functional Neurology makes all the difference - Neurological Rehab

To rebuild nerves you must activate them. If you don’t use them, you lose them. An essential and often forgot about part in recovery is activating the nerves to build them up again! While general exercise is good, specific neuro rehab is so much better!

If you break your arm, how do you get it strong again? Would protein drinks and good hormones help? Sure, but only if you exercised the arm. If you never exercise the arm, all the nutrition in the world won’t make it strong and functional again. 

 Once the inflammation is gone and the nutrition is there, you MUST exercise the arm to get it better. This is no different for nerves and pathways injured in the brain. 

You can remove the inflammation and have a healthy environment for the nerves/brain, but you still need to stimulate those areas within the nervous system to attempt to regain optimal function.
This is where functional neurology comes in. We can identify the areas that are weak or vulnerable and come up with a specific plan to help stimulate those regions and improve function. This is an essential but often overlooked part of recovery for most patients. 

At Restorative Health Solutions, our Functional Neurologist, Dr. Paul specializes in working with patients to help rebuild the nerves and improve brain nerve conduction. This is a service most Lyme Doctors fail to offer their patients and a key reason Lyme patients come to Restorative Health Solutions. 

 Each patient will start with a baseline assessment of nerve damage so that improvement can be measured successfully. Wondering if Dr. Paul can help you - Request Free Consultation

Lyme disease and inflammation - Why regular markers just don't work!

If you talk to a main stream medicine about inflammation, there is practically an oversimplifed view of it. CRP and ESR are the two most standard and established tests for inflammation. They can be terrific markers….but for the most part Lyme Disease does not cause this type of inflammation.
While CRP is considered the “modern” standard inflammation marker, we know that it is useless in Lupus! Lupus produces a type of inflammation that does NOT cause an increase in CRP. Is it a surprise that other conditions also cause inflammation but can leave CRP normal? Fortunately there is a plethora of research on a variety of inflammatory markers. Let’s investigate some of them.  

Lyme Disease Inflammation - "MMP9" & "VEGF"

MMP9 is called matrix metallo proteinase 9. It is responsible for moving the immune system from the blood stream out into the tissues. This inflammatory marker causes patients to be in more pain and have what I refer to as the “push crash phenomenon.”
When patients with high MMP9 try to exert themselves through exercise or even to get through a work day or a school day….they often experience more pain and exhaustion after the task. That is, if they are able to push through to finish it at all. So many Lyme patients feel like they have to try so hard for seemingly normal things and it can take them them hours, or even days to recover from the exertion.
This “push crash phenomenon” happens as a result of MMP9 driving inflammation from your blood to your muscle and joints aggressively during activity. It makes exercise often like pouring gas on a fire.

VEGF – Vascular Endothelia Growth Factor

VEGF is a polypeptide that stimulates new blood vessel formation and increases capillary blood flow.
Low VEGF creates capillary hypoperfusion which means we are unable to adequately perfuse any capillary bed including the lungs. This means we have less efficient oxygen transmission and less efficient oxygen deliver in the capillary beds in the periphery. This creates a lower VO2 max not because the airways are restricted, but because the blood flow in and out of the lungs is hindered. This is a primary reason patients with CIRS have “post exertional malaise”. This means when they exercise they have poor oxygen delivery and thus burn through sugar in an anaerobic form (which is 5% as efficient as oxygen based metabolism). They quickly burn through their glycogen stores and this causes many patients to get in a pattern of being active, then “tanking” and taking hours or even days to recover.
High VEGF is highly suspicious of a Bartonella Co-infection as Baronella lives in the endothelial cells. By raising VEGF Bartonella creates more of its preferred environment. However, this extra blood vessel formation creates abnormal blood flows and results in the inability to deliver blood efficiently to where the body wants it. This can be why some patients with tick borne illness develop symptoms such as POTS.

Lyme Disease Inflammation – TGFB1

TGFB1 (Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1) is a cytokine which causes at least 3 major disruptions.

Increases blood brain barrier permeability

TGFB-1 increases blood brain barrier permeability and sets patients up for more neurological based symptoms. Once the protective barrier to your brain is broken the brain symptoms you can experience get much worse! Protecting your brain is a primary goal during recovery from tick borne illness.

TGFB-1 creates dysregulation of the Treg/Th17

TGFB-1 creates dysregulation of the Treg/Th17 Immune system balance and sets patients up for autoimmune reactivityand loss of immune tolerance. This puts you at a higher risk for developing autoimmune diseases and reactions where your immune system is mistakenly harming your own body.

TGFB-1 induces inflammatory changes in the lungs

TGFB-1 induces inflammatory changes in the lungs by stiffening epithelial cells resulting in restricted airways and shortness of breath. Asthma testing will be normal, but patients can feel “air hunger” and simply fatigue from having innefficient oxygen.

So we found the inflammation…what do we do?

Depending on the type of Inflammation, our protocol will provide solutions specific to your needs. The important piece is to test properly and confirm determine what we are actually dealing with here. Lyme Disease does cause inflammation, but the normal CRP and ESR tests fail to find it. You must run more advanced inflammatory markers such as MMP9, TGFB1, and VEGF in order to find the inflammation. Helping your body overcome the inflammation is key to healing from this condition.
Can Dr. Paul assess my brain function?  
Yes, absolutely. That is the first step when you meet him. Through a series of simple tasks/activities, questions and assessment, Dr. Paul assesses if your brain is functioning optimally. He shares his findings and develops a personalized approach to rehab your brain.
What is the best way to rehab your brain?   
Brain rehab is not a one size fits all approach. He develops his plan not only based on his findings during the assessment but also based on the plan Dr. Kyle has put in place with you. This ensures you get the best of Functional Medicine and Functional Neurology for your recovery. 
Addressing Brain Rehab   
Dr. Paul Deglmann, DC, DACNB, FACFN, is an experienced and highly trained Functional Neurologist. Patients from all over The US seek his experience to assess "How well is their brain functioning and ultimately for proper Brain Rehab." Having Dr. Paul's experience is ESSENTIAL if Chronic Lyme and co-infections have affected the brain and its neurological functions!
Wondering about Inflammation and Neurological Symptoms of Lyme?
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This is what clients have said about the Restorative Health Solutions Team
See our testimonials...
             Having been seeing Dr. Kyle since March, he has given me a life back after being diagnosed with Lymes in 2015. He's compassionate, a true wealth of knowledge and takes a multiple step process when working with his patients. I cannot say how much he has changed my life for the better!"

-Lori Paul
             Impressive, Smart, Top Notch. I have nothing but good things to say about my experience at RHS. From my initial appt to my follow up. Dr. Kyle and Dr. Paul were great to work with and both encouraged me to better health through testing, exercises and education. Also their support staff Katie and Randi are wonderful as well. Prompt, courteous, and always available for questions! I highly recommend RHS! Cheers to better health."

-Tara Schwagmeyer
             I have been seeing Dr Warren for a few years and he has improved my health and my life greatly. I have many health issues and had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue 8 years ago, after I had to leave my career. I tried almost every traditional medical specialist and even a few naturalpathic specialist without any continued improvement in health. Most told there was nothing wrong with me. Dr. Warren has taken the time and done a vast amount of research to help me with autoimmune, thyroid, chemical sensitivities, and even my gallbladder. He truly cares, takes the time to hear you and your health challenges, and is always willing to try additional routes. I am back working and able to have a fulfilled life again! I am so thankful to have the best doctor!" 

-Erin Harty
             I arrived at Restorative Health Solutions feeling extremely fatigued, had brain fog and not a high quality of life. I was just getting through the day. After the protocol I now have energy and a sense of well-being. I feel like I am now being proactive on having a healthy life. I am grateful for having found Restorative Health Solutions." 

-T Lancello
             I have been seeing Dr. Kyle and Dr. Paul for about 10 months now for Lyme disease. Prior to this, I was searching high and low for answers and getting no where. I was feeling fatigued, brain fog, stomach issues, anxiety, light sensitivity, dizziness... just a multitude of symptoms that I couldn't piece together.
The team at Rhs has been instrumental in me reaching my goals. Lyme disease has been extremely challenging and Rhs has been there every step of the way.
Lyme disease doesn't go away on it's own and it is a marathon, but Restorative Health Solutions has a process that works, follow it, be open and communicate. This is a two way street, they can't read your mind, so come in with the mentality of a partnership.
I would recommend anyone go and see them if you need to find answers on your Lyme disease journey." 

-Aaron Lindholm

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