(With complete neurological rehabilitation) 
"Remember 80-90% of people who get Lyme disease get over it, and it's gone! 
A BIG part of our question, when a patient is in front of us with Chronic Lyme disease, is, “Why didn't your body kick this thing out? Why didn't your body defeat this, like it has with so many other bugs, so many times before?” -Dr. Kyle Warren
Understanding Chronic Lyme!

Q&A with Dr. Kyle on controversy around 
Chronic Lyme
and the best way to treat it!
**This page is for anyone who believes they have Chronic Lyme or other tick-borne illnesses, want to get tested, and take additional steps from there. Learn about the limitations with conventional Lyme Testing, best tests for co-infections and best protocol to treating chronic lyme.**

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Question # 1
What is Chronic Lyme or 
Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome?

10-20% of the time, Lyme disease can cause chronic, mysterious, long-term illness. This typically takes six months or a year to ramp up. 

By this time Lyme patients are going "..oh my gosh I have chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia or very mysterious neurological effects of POTS, anxiety, depression..." just absolute havoc on their health system they can’t even remember that they got bit by a tick nine months ago, or six months ago! 

The argument portion isn’t on the acute phase; the argument portion of Lyme is what do you do with this sub-portion of Lyme patients that seem to have their health completely unravel from this condition.

The term “Chronic Lyme,” once again, people will argue over how good that term is. But what we’re saying is, 10-20% of Lyme disease does not self-resolve. Your body cannot kick it out, and once your body cannot kick it out, it creates a chronic inflammatory state in the body, which leads to a diffused set of mysterious symptoms

There is controversy on treatment, there’s controversy on testing, on how common it is, and how uncommon it is, how long it lasts and what it does. So, this is a huge argument happening within the medical community. 

Now I’d like to point out (and I do point this out with my patients)…this actually is not as uncommon as we thought. If you look at the other famous spirochete, it’s called Syphilis. So if you read medical history, Syphilis has three stages. It doesn’t always go to all three stages. In fact, most of the time, it goes to stage one and not to stage two and stage three! Only in a small sub-population Syphilis causes complete and utter havoc.  

If you look at a disease like Polio, most people know Polio because our president FDR had Polio. It causes this neurological paralysis problem. Well, it only does that a small percentage of the time! Some people say 1-5% of the time! 

So, Lyme disease is not the only disease that a good majority of the time presents in this… “oh, I got flu, got sick, and then I got better, and that’s the end of it.”   

But in a small percentage of the population, small being, 1-20% depending on exactly where you’re looking, it causes more problems, and people don’t just get over it.

Dealing with chronic Lyme? Wondering if you have Chronic Lyme? Request a free consultation and know for sure!

Question # 2
What are some common symptoms of 
Chronic Lyme?

The first set of symptoms for Lyme that we see are related to Pain. It frequently causes pain! That can be headaches/migraines, which can be arthritis-type joint pain; it can be muscle pain. It very frequently causes pain. Probably ¾ of the time, it causes pain.

The other big set of symptoms are associated with Fatigue.

Chronic fatigue is very common with Lyme disease! 

If you show up in our clinic with Fibromyalgia & fatigue syndrome, we start to wonder if you have Lyme. 

The third set of symptoms it frequently causes are Neurological Symptoms. Patients get anxiety, depression, POTS, brain fog, and very abnormal neurological sensations.  

If we see neurological symptoms such as brain fog, with pain and chronic fatigue, those are the big things in my brain that start to light up of “Is this a Lyme patient in front of me??…it at least has to be considered.”

Wondering if you might have chronic Lyme? Request a second opinion and a free consultation!

Question # 3
Why do Chronic Lyme Symptoms 
vary amongst patients?

2 main reasons!

Where is Lyme in your body and what co-infections are you dealing with?

This topic of co-infections, when I go to ILADS conferences and Lyme disease conferences with doctors, is one of the biggest things you see a variance in between doctors. 

A saying from doctors is that “The tick is nature’s dirty needle!” 

These ticks live and eat mice blood and deer, and these things don’t just have Babesia or Borrelia, you know Borrelia is Lyme, Babesia is a common co-infection, they often have multiple things. So when you get bit by a tick, it’s not like you just got one present, you just got a whole hoopla of stuff that just went into your system! 

And this is also what makes each case a little different! 

So if you get Borrelia with Babesia, or Borrelia with a virus, or Borrelia with Bartonella, these are things that start to make each Lyme presentation very different because you get a different cocktail of microbial bugs that are now, we call them “the monkey piling on your back,” dragging you down.  

It can make each patient a little different because it's not about just Borrelia or Lyme, it’s kind of this weird conglomeration of "you just got bit by a very, very dirty bug and probably got a couple of things in your system at the exact same time."

Not sure about your symptoms? Wondering if you might have chronic Lyme or Lyme plus co-infections? Request a free consultation!

Question # 4
What is the Best Protocol to treat Chronic Lyme?
In this 16-minute must-watch video, Dr. Kyle walks us through the protocol used at Restorative Health Solutions to help his Chronic Lyme patients. 
The four (or five) steps for a good Lyme protocol include:

1. Kill the Lyme
2. Kill the Co-Infections
3. Restore the Immune System
4. Proper Detox
5. (Depending on neurological damage) Brain Rehab

These are the steps where doctors fail their patients with Lyme. Incomplete or false Lyme testing, Incomplete or false testing for co-infections, incomplete approach (skipping critical steps, or doing them in the wrong sequence) and not enough emphasis in building the body's natural immunity or brain rehab. 

When followed correctly, this protocol helps the patient to heal completely from Lyme and also feel better along the way!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I was treated for Lyme disease and feel better, but now I feel ill again. Do you think I still have Lyme disease? 
A: Yes! If you are not 100% better after your course of standard Lyme meds, go back to your doctor immediately and get another course. Being aggressive in trying to eliminate Lyme in the acute phase (1-3 months) is the best approach!

Q: Are Antibiotics the best treatment for Lyme disease or Chronic Lyme disease?
A: For acute Lyme, antibiotics are 100% the undisputed best remedy. Even most of my natural minded colleagues will encourage standard meds as first round of care.  But please understand, research suggests a few percentage 6-21% still go on to develop what the CDC calls Post Treatment Lyme disease.

Q: I have Chronic Lyme: I am currently receiving treatment for it. Why do I go from feeling very good one day to very bad another, on the same treatment?
A: That depends on the type of treatment and how it is all balanced. It is possible to heal from Chronic Lyme and regain your health, but if a person does the right things in the wrong balance it can be a terrible roller coaster of ups and downs.

Q: I have Chronic Lyme. What’s the best approach?
A: Unfortunately that is not simple answer. We believe the best answer has 4-6 major steps. We have to help the immune system be restored, detox, kill the Lyme bacteria, kill co-infections, help the mitochondria to be healthier, and then exercise/stimulate the nervous system. These all must be done in the right order and in the right balance or patients will not get better or not be able to tolerate the protocol.

Q: I had Lyme, was treated for it, but I feel like it hasn’t gone away. Should I take more meds?
A: If you are past the 3 month mark from the tick bite you are entering a phase of the disease where antibiotics alone are less likely to resolve the issue. We need to understand why your body is not able to fight off this bug, like it has fought off so many bugs, so many times before! It is highly likely you will need a more comprehensive approach.

Q: I had a positive Lyme test in the past…would you still go through testing me for Lyme or do you do things a little differently?
A: If you’ve already been diagnosed with Lyme, we will do things a little different…we already know you had it at one point and the question now becomes, is it gone, are you over it, or is this still causing your problems? The answer in your unique case could be Yes, or a No, but it is very important to not make assumptions! We have many questions we ask you to help understand if you are truly over the Lyme, or we need to address the Lyme again. We can’t go on blaming Lyme everything, but if it is truly causing symptoms again we don’t want to miss it either.

Q: What is some of the feedback that the MDs have given you in terms of your Protocol combined with theirs?
A: They are surprised it goes smoother for their patients! They aren’t getting some of the negative reactions with some of these drugs that they are used to seeing in patients. Our functional medicine and functional neurology Lyme protocol can complement an MD's treatment beautifully.

Q: I’ve heard of the term “Lyme literate MD.” Who is a Lyme literate MD and what has been your experience with them?
A: Who we consider a “Lyme literate MD” is a medical doctor who recognizes there are some flaws in the Lyme testing and understands that Lyme can go chronic. In our experience, a Lyme literate MD will typically have a more aggressive protocols. They are usually using high-dose, longer duration treatment for 6-18 months…now that’s aggressive, but usually what you are getting. Some Lyme literate MDs will add in other support protocols…and while a patient is on these meds, there are some downsides to taking meds for this length of time, but necessary for some people. So it’s our role to help support the patient during this time to help round out the protocol, help it go smoother, support the restoration of the immune system and the detox systems with that.

Q: Is Chronic Lyme the same as Post-treatment Lyme disease Syndrome?
A: People argue over this term. The CDC refers to chronic lyme as “ Post-treatment Lyme disease Syndrome.” The way to think about it is - In 10%-20% of patients, Lyme disease does not resolve easily. In my experience this is usually when the patient also is dealing with co-infections such as Bartonella, Babesia and Anaplasma. We refer to this minority population as Chronic Lyme Patients.

Q: Do you work with me alone or will you be able to work with my MD?
A: The answer is “Sometimes.” We have a few different great MDs that we can refer people to. If you are not seeing results at some of our checkpoints by 3 or 6 months, we are going to start to have you also work with an MD! We also have MDs that ask us to just handle the detox part or the immune regulation part, and the MD will prescribe you meds to help kill the Lyme. So, we do believe in a team effort, as needed. Every Lyme patient is unique, with their own immune system, their own mix of Lyme, co-infections, bacteria, yeast, etc., etc.

Q: What is your current success rate in working with Chronic Lyme Patients?
A: Close to an 80% success rate of getting rid of Chronic Lyme…and it has taken several years to get the results we are now getting with patients! (**Please note, Individual results might vary!**)

Q: How soon can I start feeling better once on your protocol?
A: Great Question! If you’re not starting to see Significant Improvement in 3-6 months that you are happy with…we are going to start working with additional referral partners; adding an MD, or an acupuncturist for example…so my first checkpoint, is between 3-6 months. Then people ask… “Okay, but when am I going to be done!?” I tell people, Lyme is one of the longest things we have to deal with. It often takes 12-18 months to be done. Now that doesn’t mean you have to wait 12-18 months to improve and start feeling better! Patients typically feel better during the Lyme protocol. Slow and steady wins the race, but you will not have to wait too long to start feeling better!

Q: I have been getting treated for Chronic Lyme, but I don't think I’m getting better. Should I get a second opinion?
A: I was taught by a mentor that people are looking for “measurable results in a reasonable timeframe.” If you are currently working with someone, ask yourself what are my expectations for results and what is the timeframe we are expecting them.

Q: How does the treatment from one doctor to the next differ for Chronic Lyme?
A: A comprehensive look at various approaches would take too much time for this format. The most common pitfalls I find when reviewing other doctors work is #1 getting over-focused on meds and killing Lyme and undervaluing the other necessary parts of support the body needs, or #2 chasing symptoms with no clear purpose for really healing the body at a core level.

Q: I was diagnosed with depression before being diagnosed with Chronic Lyme. Do you think they are related?
A: Abnormal neurological symptoms, anxiety, depression, PODS can all be possible from Lyme. Lyme creates a massive neuro-inflammatory response and neuro-inflammation is the most highly researched pathway for causing depression.

Q: I have Arthritis-type symptoms. Should I get tested from Chronic Lyme?
A: Absolutely!! Symptoms from Lyme that are prevalent: it frequently causes pain, that can be headaches, migraines, arthritis-type joint pain, muscle pain, and even chronic fatigue.

Q: How long and how often do I see Dr. Kyle when working with RHS for Lyme?
A: We most typically follow up with patients every 4-8 weeks depending on which part of the protocol you are working through.We try to give patients enough support to work through problems, keep pushing forward, and be successful.

Q: Is there any follow up testing?
A: I really like the idea of running a test, doing a therapy, then re-checking that test to monitor progress. We try to follow this formula whenever it is possible.  Follow up testing is often less expensive than the initial battery of tests, because it is only a subset of the initial labs.

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              When no one can figure out "what's wrong with me" Dr. Kyle Warren will take the time to figure it out and treat it. He has made such a difference, I can not express in words the difference he has made. 

Susan Kaulbars
              I have been seeing Dr. Paul for quite a while now, from the time I walked in the door until the time I leave, everyone treats you so well and the amount of knowledge in this one office is crazy. I would highly recommend if you have any ailment or anything else that you have thought about getting a second opinion, on Dr. Paul and his colleagues will take such good care of you. You’re only regret will be not having to come see them sooner. 

Jeremy N
             After 2 1/2 years going through traditional medical process with no significate change and after six months of treatment with restorative health the problem has been addressed properly and it had changed my life for the better with no drugs.

Sandra Larson
             Dr. Warren and Dr. Paul are so knowledgeable and helpful! They have helped our family so much, and we are so thankful for them! And we definitely recommend Restorative Health to others. :)

Kassi Ward
             After years of trying to deal with health issues with various doctors I was finally blessed to find RHS. Dr. Deglmann takes a very scientific, methodical and holistic approach to treatments... and they work! He and the rest of the staff are awesome to work with. They have changed my life.

kevin hendricks
             Dr. Warren cared about ME and what specifically we needed to do to get me better. There wasn't a one-size-fits-most approach I've gotten elsewhere. I really believe this is why I have made such incredible progress after years of frustration and sickness.

Angela Hunstiger
             Dr. Warren cared about ME and what specifically we needed to do to get me better. There wasn't a one-size-fits-most approach I've gotten elsewhere. I really believe this is why I have made such incredible progress after years of frustration and sickness.

Angela Hunstiger
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